The Wrecking Ball
Faith that tears down and builds up. Jeremiah 23:29 (NKJV) “Is not My word like a fire?” says the LORD, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? Unapologetically, Dr. Bruce A. Fletcher preaches the truth of Scripture, building people up in faith and dismantling false assumptions and false teachings.
127 episodes
The Gifts of the Spirit 1 Cor. 12:8-11 Part 7
1 Corinthians 12:8–11 (NKJV) 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spir...
The Purpose of the Spiritual Gifts Part 6
The purpose of the spiritual gifts is the edification of the Church. If the exercise of the gifts does not edify and build up the body, they are valueless.
The Nature, Ministries and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Part 5. The Vocabulary of Spiritual GiftsBefore we study each of the gifts enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12, we first need to explore key words.The nature of spiritual gifts can be determined to a large degree by the vo...
Episode 122
The Nature, Ministries and Gift's of the Holy Spirit Part 4
Gifts for Establishment and Maturity All of the gifts mentioned in the Bible are interrelated. For the sake of study and convenience, we will break them into 3 groups.
Episode 121
The Nature, Ministries and Gifts of the Holy Spirit Part 3
The Background for Spiritual Gifts· It was to be expected that special spiritual enablement would be provided in order that the Church might carry out the Divine mission committed to her by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Episode 120
The Nature, Ministries and Gifts of the Holy Spirit Part 2
Part 2 The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the ChristianThe beginning of the Christian life is initiated by the Holy Spirit, and then He continues to work in the life of the believer. In this teaching we will look at ...
The Nature, Ministries and Gifts of the Holy Spirit Part 1
1. Who Is the Holy Spirit?John 14:16–18 (NKJV) 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world ca...
Faith That Doesn't Fail
Luke 22:31–32 (NKJV) — 31 And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthe...
the Bible and Spiritual Beings Part 4
In this series of teachings, we will be examining Spiritual Beings from a Biblical perspective. While there may be a plethora of information available through books and online resources, most of them are spurious.A quick working definiti...
The Bible and Spiritual Beings Part 3
In this series of teachings, we will be examining Spiritual Beings from a Biblical perspective. While there may be a plethora of information available through books and online resources, most of them are spurious.A quick working definiti...
God's Special Agent's - Angels Part 2
This is message #2 on Angels and their functions in the invisible realm. How do they affect humanity?
Season 5
Episode 114
God’s Special Agents: Angels
Did you know God has His own Secret Service working to watch over and guard you?In this series, Dr. Bruce will unfold from the Scriptures who these angelic beings are and their particular functions in the invisible realm.
Season 5
Episode 113
The Judgment of the Wicked
The great white throne judgment will follow the thousand-year reign of Christ. This is the final judgment, and only the wicked dead are to be judged. In Rev. 20: 5, believers were resurrected 1000 years before this judgment, and their works wer...
Episode 112
The Judgment of The Nations
This judgment of the nations will occur at the conclusion of the Tribulation Period and the beginning of the 1,000-year reign of Messiah in the earth. This will not include the believers taken in the “rapture”. The nations (ethnos) ...
Episode 111
Part 2.The Judgment of the Believer’s Self
This is not a judgment of condemnation but a judgment for transformation.The believers self-judgment means more than judging things in the believers life. When the believer judges his life, the good and the bad in his life come to light;...
Episode 109
The Judgment of the Believer's Works
“The judgment seat of Christ will reveal our lives of service for Christ exactly as they have been. Not only the amount of our service, but also its quality, and even the very motives that prompted it will be b...
Episode 110
The 5 Key Judgments Part 1 Judgment of The Believer's Sin
“There are at least five separate judgments revealed in the Bible, and they differ as to time, place, and purpose.
Episode 108
Understanding Authority Part I
Authoritarianism and Authority“Authoritarianism and authority are related as sickness is to health. Authoritarianism is a pathological caricature of authority. Authoritarianism is sick compensation for weakness; authority is...
Joseph's Journey, Part V: "Joseph and Delegated Authority"
How did Joseph, a slave and prisoner rise to prominence in Egypt? Delegated authority came because of Joseph’s character and his success.
Reviving Fatherhood
This message is a challenge to the Church to get back to the Biblical view of both manhood and fatherhood.
Episode 102
Joseph's Journey, Part IV "Blessed to Be a Blessing"
Joseph didn’t have control over his circumstances; he did however have control over his attitude and perspective.Why was Joseph prospering and being such a blessing to those around him? Why was God's favor so abundant?Join Dr. Bruce as ...
Episode 101